Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Great Weekend... (Part 1)

This post is goin to be in two parts today since I didn't get around to posting it the first part yesterday. So I've been working on my new POA Jumper he's all ready to have his tail started. But the thing is I need to take his mane off before I ever start working on his new tail.

My big problem is, is that I can not find the tool to really get the job done as you can see in the picture below I seem to be able to find one that wont break. So I asked Karen Grigson of Bluebird Studio ( ) what kind of blad she uses on her models.

What Karen told me is that she uses a reinforced cutting blad so I went to the local hardware store to see what they had. I ended up finding more then the reinforced cutting blad.

I aslo found this cutting blad to try out. I'm kinda at the point were I'll try anything lol.

I decided to try the the cutting blad I found first what did I have lose. well 2 minutes later and his mane is gone. Yep I am one happy camper now lol. One little problm I did take the tip off of one of his ears oops.

My new favorite tool!!

Now it's time to fix his neck up and bild it up just a tad so I can work on his mane. Noodles make my world go round lol more like my customizing world.

Oh look it's Indiana Jones lol. What can I say I can multitask.

Now to flatin out the noodle and fix his neck up so I can start working on his mane. he's looking better with every step.

My water cup. I use water to keep my fingers from sticking to the Apoxie Sculpt. :)

More noodles!! I decide to try something new to hopefully give him more of that flowing maning while he's jumping.

So far not to bad.

Adding detail to the noodles.

More noodls and more detail. He's looking good so far.

I plan to hopefully have his mane done today. I'm feeling pertty good about him so far.