Monday, September 19, 2011

Where Oh Where Are The Reference Pictures

Trying to find a reference pictures is not an easy task when you’re trying to find a good picture with the legs just the way I want them. I know that may not make since but the thing is I have the picture in my head of how I want the model to turn out. I Just need to find a picture that match’s the picture in my head I’m not saying I couldn’t draw the picture in my head it’s just I want to use a picture of a real horse to go by.
The first Picture I found was of a young Belgian the legs are almost what I’m looking for.

The front right lead horse is the horse that caught my eye and I feel that it’s the closes to what I’m looking for.

Not bad Picture but I don’t think it’s what I’m looking for.

In the picture It’s the wheel horse that caught my eye and I believe is the closes to what I’m looking for so far.

This is the horse I’m looking for if only it wasn’t a Clydesdale I need a horse without feathers to help me with the shape of the hooves.  

Yay I found the perfect picture I’m going to use.

The thing is with this model I won’t only be use photo’s I’ll also be watching “A Knight’s Tale.” Reason being that there’s just not that many pictures of the mixed drafter Heath rode. I have a feeling by the time I’m done with this model I’m going to be sick of “A Knight’s Tale.”

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