Monday, September 19, 2011

Where Oh Where Are The Reference Pictures

Trying to find a reference pictures is not an easy task when you’re trying to find a good picture with the legs just the way I want them. I know that may not make since but the thing is I have the picture in my head of how I want the model to turn out. I Just need to find a picture that match’s the picture in my head I’m not saying I couldn’t draw the picture in my head it’s just I want to use a picture of a real horse to go by.
The first Picture I found was of a young Belgian the legs are almost what I’m looking for.

The front right lead horse is the horse that caught my eye and I feel that it’s the closes to what I’m looking for.

Not bad Picture but I don’t think it’s what I’m looking for.

In the picture It’s the wheel horse that caught my eye and I believe is the closes to what I’m looking for so far.

This is the horse I’m looking for if only it wasn’t a Clydesdale I need a horse without feathers to help me with the shape of the hooves.  

Yay I found the perfect picture I’m going to use.

The thing is with this model I won’t only be use photo’s I’ll also be watching “A Knight’s Tale.” Reason being that there’s just not that many pictures of the mixed drafter Heath rode. I have a feeling by the time I’m done with this model I’m going to be sick of “A Knight’s Tale.”

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Knight's Tale....

I’m sitting here trying to find good pic’s of the horse heath ledger rode in the movie “A Knight’s Tale.” I fell in love with this horse when I first saw the movie when it came out back when I was 11. When I was 16 I found a breyer Clydesdale mare for $3 in a box during breyerfest. Someone had started to CM her but never finished her she defiantly had a long way to go. Once I had her in my hand I knew what I wanted to do with her I was going to turn her in to the horse Heath Ledger rode in “A Knight’s Tale.” I just had one problem I’d never CM a horse before. Well here we are 6 years later and I’ve painted and CM horses but my poor Clydesdale mare has yet to become what she was mint to be a beautiful roan mixed drafter. Now that I’ve lost my job I believe it is time to finely finish her. So wish me luck as me and my poor Clydesdale mare go on the journey in turning her in to a drafter she was always mint to be.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Models Models Models

I’m seeing models everywhere… ok maybe not everywhere but pretty close. I don’t get what so relaxing about CM a model horse maybe it’s the cutting it up in to little pieces and putting it back together like a puzzle. Ok cutting it up is relaxing putting to back together not so much. Something big always happens and all I do is grab a model that’s in the CM box and I start hacking away. But once I start to feel better I’m looking at a bunch of pieces that was once a model. Somehow I’m not relaxed anymore. Yet I love to CM models it’s amazing when you take a model and turn it in to something new and exciting. So I hope you stick around with me as I take models and give them a new life.