I know it's been over a month since my last post and I promised pic's of some props I had been working on. Well better late then never right. Work has been a bit of nightmare but the best part is NAN's right around the corner. Anyways back to what I've been working on...
Well I don't really know if they're goin to work out but I've givin it a shot.
Some of them I think turned out pretty cool and others not so much but I still need to paint them so we'll just have to wait and see if what i can do with them.
Here I made some socks for the sock race. It's been forever since I've seen it run I do remeber you race to one end and put socks on your horses front legs and race back and your horse has to keep them on I can't remember if you put socks on or not.
this is suppose to be a feather it didn't turn out to well.
Here's a stick for flag racing.
Anyone need some road apples lol.
I did some cleaning the other day and found this guy. I forgot I even had him lol.
I wounder what I could do with him!!