Friday, April 6, 2012

Show For The Cure...

I decided to split my last post up and give everybody there own post so next I'm goin to talk about Show For The Cure. I've been goin to SFTC since it first started, it was the second show I ever been to and it was the first show any of my horses NAN'd at. I wish I had pictures on the laptop to show you the first show. Anyways I've been a judge the last 3 years and next year I plan to just show. It's a pretty tough show with big name showers like Tiffany Purdy (I love her horses) and D'Arry Jone Fank (love her horses too) and the list goes on. Let's just say next year I'm bringing my A game. Well more like I'm goin to try my hardest to take home some NAN cards from the show maybe win a divison or two who know maybe even take the show. But thats a year away now for some yummy pictures. Saddly I didn't get to take as mean since I was judging and most are from performance and some of my pretty babys.

Here's my stormy I just got isn't he amazing i'm so in love with this bad boy. I would love to tell you the painter who painted him but I can never remember names. This is from the fun class anything pink I put a pink braclet around his neck and put a card in front of him that said Though enough to wear pink.

I would of loved to take this beautiful boy home with me.

This is a bad picture but this bad boy was breath taking in person.

Now this is a class I hadn't planned on showing in. I was sitting at my table waiting on the next class to be judge to finish loading when I thought about what stormy would look like with a rider on his back. As you can see he doesn't look to bad. Mom asked if I was goin to show him in a class and I said why not what did I have to lose. He ended up taking fourth in a big class behind a Purdy entry and Two D'arry entrys. I would say not bad at all.

Now Harness the last class of the day and a little to much for me. Yes I had two entrys and since I was judging I just threw them together no big deal to me. But one shower made this class more of a big deal then it needed to be. It makes me not want to show Harness anymore but then again it makes me want to make my Harness entry ten times better so thats goin to the top of the list of things that need to be done.

D'arry I really love this guy!!!

My Harness entrys

Ok not to bad of a day nobody NAN'd but you win some and you lose some. Just means I'm ready to take on the next show.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Busy Busy And Busy

Well as you can tell I never got the chance to wright the 2nd part of my last blog entry. Between my job, my horse, and my very loving boyfriend lol models tend to come fourth in my life but thats ok with me. My life for once is going pretty good for the time bing so to fill models up with my free time is a joy. Now that my boyfriend is working nights it looks like I might just have a little more free time for my models. A lot has happened since the last time I posted I finished newsworthys mane and tail, I got a few new models, got my hair done, and I went to a model horse show. Told ya I've been busy lol. Now where to start....

Lets start with newsworthy since he's were we left off with.

His mane didn't turn out half bad since I was trying something new. I have to say tho I love his poll the most it came out awsome!! I would have to say it was a learning experince for sure. Moving on to his tail oh what a joy ok not really again i was trying something new a lot of people do the painters tape with baking soda and super glue and I decided to give it a try. First I took to pieces of wire and used baking soda and super glue to attach them to newsworhtys butt. Then I bent them to form the wave that his tail would have.

So I found out that using the painters tape is more of a pain in the butt then it looks. At least it is to me but it was a learning experince.

Moving on I covered the painters tape in baking soda and super glue to give the Apoxie something to hold on to. A step that is a must but a step that was a little boring. lol

Now time for Apoxie (my favorite part)

Adding detail

His tail didn't come out to bad but again it was a learning experince. You know how the saying goes you learn from your mistacks. I did and I'm ready for the next mane and tail.